The Theatre machine

The Theatre Machine is a proposal to dispense with the hierarchical structure, language, syntax and terminology of the preforming arts.  It is an ongoing experiment in creative freedom and collective work. The objective is to achieve creative freedom by not using the the titles or hierarchical structures of the performing arts and by using different syntax and terminology in our creative process as artists. Different from the now commonly accepted hierarchical structure, language, syntax and terminology. And also to challenge the written and unwritten rules of the performing arts. 
To allow a non-hierarchical incorporation of different methods and disciplines.

It is our claim that being original is easy but not important. But creating a space where “mistakes” can happen is important.  If something is heard in the spaces and spheres of the Theatre Machine  it may be born. We welcome all gifts.  We should copy, transform, and combine. Everything is a remix. We propose mutual artistic responsibility. 
 We document, measure and evaluate your work. We propose that artist engage in dialogue with society through art and claim that art without social context is only an exercise in aesthetics.

Here are the fundamentals of the Theatre Machine: A Theatre machine is a human powered tool divided into four spaces. A creative space with one or more theatre devices that is constructed to explore any given question or challenge. An intellectual space that should be separated from the creative space. A Neutral space where the humans can communicate, share and exist without it becoming material for the creative space. And the storeroom which is both a physical space and a psychological space. It is anything you bring into the creative space or the intellectual space. 

The Theatre Machine can be used to remove the spectacle from the work/research. There is no dramatic end result required in the creative space. There is no conclusion needed or consensus. The objective is to investigate questions. Actions or events in the creative space do not have to be recognizable as spectacle or a performance. They don´t need a dramatic structure. The creative space within the Theatre Machine can be used to uncover the presumption of meaning.

The creative space can can open the events and actions executed in the creative space to a wider range of meanings and the space can also crash or implode due to lack of activity. The execution or exploration can also be stopped by the humans  when they refuse to conform to the rules or action of the creative space. 
Direct, dramatic signification is not be expected as a result of running the creative space . A narrative structure casts people rather quickly in roles or types which come with a set of implied morals and behavior. That is not the purpose of the creative space of the Theatre Machine.  Although the execution or exploration might stop that does not mean it has failed to work. It has just stopped and needs to be “refueled” or restructured.

In the creative space of the Theatre Machine one does not need to resort to artificial actions like in a performance. Theatrically signifying actions do not apply in the same way in the creative space of the Theatre Machine as in a improvisation.  The meaning of  the exploration or execution in the creative space is is not given.  And if there is meaning there is no need to spell it out.

The laws physics apply in the creative space unless you change them or their meaning. Manifestation of cultural codes will always be present in some form, depending on the rules of the creative space, as they are a part of the world we inhabit. The fundamental law of the Theatre Machine is that you must not do harm to yourself or others even though if that is stated in the rules that are given for a creative space.

You don´t need to take responsibility for the creative space. Someone will run maintenance. Simply by entering the creative space of the Theatre Machine you are practicing, executing and exploring. It´s durability, length and running is not yours to command. We all act in good faith. When you drive a car you are not focused on structural analysis of the machinery that makes your car. You are just driving or in the passenger seat. (Or in the trunk).

Your responsibility concerns the three laws of the machines.